среда, 15 мая 2013 г.

Аудирование (формат ГИА)

Задание В1
Прочитайте диалоги, проверьте ответы и выполните задания по тексту

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначен­ных А, В, С и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1 —5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лиш­нее место действия.
1.   At the Doctor’s                 4. At the beach
2.    In the street                       5. At the airport
3.    In a cafe


 The keys: 1524

Dialogue A
A: It looks like you have cold symptoms. You should have come to me earlier. How long have you been feeling this way?
B: Since Saturday night. We’d been skiing for the whole day. The weather was very cold and windy. But we were having fun and didn’t want to go home...
A: I see. Now you should keep warm and stay indoors for a few days.
B: Will I have to take any medicine?
A: Yes. Here is a prescription. Take one tablet three times a day for five days.
B: Thank you.
Dialogue В
A: Oh, gosh, the flight is delayed!
B: Why? What’s the reason for the delay?
A: They say it’s because of the weather. The forecast says there’s going to be a storm.
B: Don’t worry. I don’t think it will be for too long. Could you stay here with our luggage for a few minutes?
A: Yes, why?
В: I’ m going to buy two coffees for us at the coffee machine over there.
Dialogue С
A: Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest underground station?
B: It’s four bus stops from here. Take bus number 14.
A: And is it possible to get there on foot?
B: Yes, certainly, but it’ll take you about half an hour. And it looks like rain...
A: Oh, I don’t mind! I like walking in rainy weather.
Dialogue D
A: You’re a good swimmer!
B: It’s because I practise regularly. I come here twice a week whatever the weather.
A: Are you saying you swim all year round? Even in the winter?
B: No, in the winter I go to the swimming pool. I’m going to have one more swim, then I’m going home. Are you coming

Задание В2.
Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соот­ветствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А—Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 16. Исполь­зуйте каждое утверждение из списка 16 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
1.                      The     speaker explains what helped him/her make a career choice.
2.  The speaker believes his/her career choice was wrong
3.                   The     speaker talks about their family business.
4.                      The speaker says that languages are important for his/her future career.
5.   The speaker approves of working students.
6.  The speaker describes how the career centre for teenagers works.


The keys: 15462
1. Переведите слова и выражения:
To explain -
To make a career choice –
To approve  of-
To describe -
2. Give the synonyms:
To decide, to consider, to be wrong,  to tell, to  show, decision

Задание А1-А6

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. При выполнении заданий А1А6 из трёх предложенных вариантов выберите один вер­ный.

Al. Tom’s family is moving house because                                          
1)   Tom’s father has to work at another place.
2)   Tom’s mother wants-to move.
3)   Tom wants to change his school.
A2. In comparison with Tom’s current school, the new • дг school provides worse
1)   education opportunities.
2)   sports opportunities.
3)   entertainment opportunities.
A3. Tom                                                                                                    
1)   will follow his parents’ advice on career choice.
2)    has already chosen his future career.
3)   wants to put off a career choice decision.
A4. Robby is the name of
1) Tom’s brother.
2) Tom’s cat.
3) Tom’s dog.
A5. At the moment Tom is going to the shop to buy some
 1) pet food.
2) fresh fruit.
3) souvenirs.
A6. Tomorrow Tom is going to                                                                 
1) play baseball.  2) pack things  3) have a party.

The keys:
A1 -1, A2 -2, A3 -3, A4 -3, A5 -2, A6 - 3

Заполните пробелы глаголами в нужной форме.
Sandra: But there are probably other things there that can com­pensate for it.
Tom: Mum ( to say) the school is very good. They use the newest teaching technologies and the students are really bright. Most of them go straight to university after they ( to finish) school.
Sandra: That’s awesome! You (to plan) to go to university too, aren’t you?
Tom: Well, I’m not sure yet. My parents want me ( to go). But I feel I’m not ready yet as I simply( not know) what I want to become in the future. I ( to think) about gett­ing a job after school, preferably a job with travel oppor­tunities. I want to see the world, gain some life experi­ence and only then decide what I want to become. The university choice (to become) probably easier too.
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Критерии оценок:
За каждый правильный ответ вы получаете 1 балл
Оценка работы по заданиям:
16-14 положительных ответов – отлично
13-11 положительных ответов – хорошо
10-8 положительных ответов – удовлетворительно
7 положительных ответов - неудовлетворительно

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